Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Final Discussion Reflection

Our in-class final discussion was incredibly impactful and one that I will take with me in the future. Our discussion started with conversations about current cases and how they relate to older cases. We talked about modern 1st Amendment cases and why they are important in today's polarized society. Our discussion then transitioned into a conversation about race and how it relates to social media. It is important to talk about race because it is a significant aspect of identity that shapes people's experiences and perspectives in society. By acknowledging and discussing race, we can better understand the challenges and discrimination that many people face, as well as the systemic inequalities that exist in our institutions and culture. Engaging in open and honest dialogue about race can also help to build bridges and foster a sense of empathy and solidarity among people of different backgrounds. By addressing the issue of race, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society, and we did just that. 

Our discussion was also a debate about how social media severely affects politics today. This was the largest thing I took away from our discussion. We talked about how people hide behind their screens to make it seem like they want to help societal issues but in reality, people just post what is trending to seem like they are involved in an issue that they don’t care about whatsoever. The infographic trend has taken over social media and people think they can save the world’s issues by resharing some edit.


However, social media has also introduced new challenges, such as the spread of misinformation and the amplification of extremist views. Overall, social media has greatly changed the landscape of politics and will continue to do so in the future.

I’m actually incredibly thankful for the in-class discussion because I was able to hear the opinions of my peers and even if I didn’t agree with them completely, I listened and considered ever point they made. I also got to know some of me peers a little better and it was inspiring to hear them stand up for what they believe and issues they think are prominent in today’s society. 

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