Sunday, December 18, 2022

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Film Review - Variety

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner is a sensitive, nuanced romance film that is still relevant today. 50 years later, its perspectives on race relations in America are still applicable. When Joanna Katharine Houghton returns home early from a vacation in Hawaii, her parents are shocked to learn that her new fiancĂ© named Dr. John Prentiss Sidney Poitier is a man of color, yet is madly in love with their daughter. This movie highlights the differences that can be manifested between ideals and actions. Joanna’s upper-class parents' approval is extremely important to John and something he must gain. 

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) - Turner Classic Movies

They are proud liberals, but their daughter intends to marry a black man which is completely new to them. Their attitudes and concerns are tested by John’s relationship with their daughter, as they are approached by a part of society that they had previously only really commented on and had little association with. They aren't sure how to feel about the couple but want to continue to love and support their daughter. The father is hesitant to give his blessing for the marriage because of the extreme prejudice he fears he/they will face. Before this film was released, interracial marriage was still illegal in 17 US states. This made the film a complex subject matter. The father supports the marriage between a white woman and a black man, but fears of the difficulties that the couple will endure in society. The film tries to communicate that the fathers of John and Joanna are blind to the fact that their kids love each other dearly, and they are overcomplicating the love. The film also addresses the fast pace of their relationship, considering they had only known each other and had been dating for 12 days before they were engaged. It also addresses how racism can happen to both sides of the party. Tilly's suspicion, John's less-than-thrilled parents coming to visit, and Matt's priest friend, Mike, all know how to keep tensions high in this movie. 

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Wikipedia

This movie is absolutely still relevant today because our society faces issues with interracial marriage, same-sex marriage, and other types of relationships. The movie's message that being in a biracial relationship doesn’t invalidate you as a member of a given culture is powerful. I personally loved this movie and enjoyed the storyline and message. I think it's a great watch and related heavily to our class. 

Linked below is a relevant news story about the societal issues this movie addresses:

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